





Green plants in the air purification effect
1) under 24 hours of lighting, aloe can eliminate 90% of formaldehyde in 1 cubic meters of air, Ivy can eliminate 90% benzene, and agave can swallow 70% benzene and 50% formaldehyde, and pendant can absorb 96% carbon monoxide and 86% formaldehyde.
2) green, aloe, and Chlorophytum Sansevieria to remove formaldehyde. 15 square meters of the room, planted two pots or Chlorophytum Sansevieria can keep the air fresh, free formaldehyde and;
3) the Chlorophytum can effectively absorb carbon dioxide and discharge the toxin. If the room has enough Chlorophytum, within 24 hours, 80% of the harmful substances will be killed.
4)10平方米的房间栽一两盆龟背竹和虎尾兰可以吸收室内80%以上的有害气体。  我是首先通过查阅书面相关数据,才决定选择绿植的种类;而并非先选择绿植,后套用相关数据。所以,死抗着负责任的告诉大家,我采购的这几项绿植都是净化室内空气的主力。花卉市场的绿植品种繁多,建议大家在购买之前事先也有所准备。 
4) 10 square meters room planted one or two pots of flower and Sansevieria can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases. I first decided to choose the type of green plants by consulting related data, rather than choosing green plants first, and then using relevant data. Therefore, the death of the responsible tell you, these plants I purchase are the main indoor air purification. The plants flower market variety, suggest that you have to be prepared in advance before buying.  
购买绿色植物的建议 : 
Buy green plants:
1) when buying green plants, do not forget the experience of keeping with the merchants for teaching and maintenance, mainly about the water frequency, the joy of the sun, the fertilizer and so on.
2) plant placement in the flower market is mainly divided into three kinds of plants (landing), potted plants and suspension. Before buying, it is suggested that we should combine the actual conditions of their own home to determine the form, position and quantity of the plants in each nature;
3) the specific experience of all kinds of plants, we now know all the time to the flower market. I just said Scindapsus here. Green hand is divided into green, green, green plant pot chlorophytum. The other party
面又分大叶绿萝、小叶绿萝,大叶绿萝叶子易脆裂,造型上也不如小叶绿萝好,不推荐。小叶绿萝又分为纯绿叶和黄绿双色叶(俗称黄金革)两种,后橡胶托辊 槽型托辊 皮带托辊 平行托辊 保定搬家 保定搬家电话 保定搬家公司 保定搬家 铜鼎 铜狮子 者虽然名字好听不过品质低,且价格相对纯绿叶要便宜;
The surface is divided into green, green leaf leaf, leaf Ziyi big leaf luluo embrittlement, shape is also not good not recommended green leaflets. Leafy lolus is also divided into pure green leaves and yellow green double color leaves (commonly known as gold leather) two, the latter although the name is good but low quality, and the price is relatively pure green leaves to be cheaper;


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